Since 2014, we have conducted annual crusades and daily witnessing.
- Monthly mobile food bank
- Community Day clothes drive
- Community home renovations
- Medical and dental clinic
- Monthly strategy meetings
- Home renovations
- Agape closet
- Medical and dental clinic
- Adult workshops
- Children’s vacation bible school
- Shoe drives
Pastor Johnnie Dyes, Louisiana State Office President St. Matthews Baptist Church Athens, Louisiana
- Home renovations
- Church renovations
- Revivals/crusades
- Assisted Gibsland Coleman High School
- Shoe drive

New Mexico
Pastor Dennis Dunn, New Mexico State Office President Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Shoe drives
FCIM 1st Annual Fellowship in Albuquerque, New Mexico. May 2017.
From left to right:
Elaine Wilson, Arkansas State Office President | Reverend Gail Johnson, Washington D.C. Area Director | Pastor Johnny Dyes, Louisiana State Office President | Pastor Dennis Dunn, New Mexico State Office President | Cleopatra Allen, South Carolina State Office President | Beverly Scarano, New Jersey State Office President.
South Carolina
- Collected over 5,000 pairs of shoes to date
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New Jersey
Beverly Bova Scarano, New Jersey State Office President Middletown Reformed Church Middletown, NJ
- Collected over 7,500+ shoes
- Invited Reverend George Hutchings from St. Louis, Missouri, to attend Vacation Bible School and meet the congregation at Middletown Reformed Church in Middletown, New Jersey. Reverend George came and met our Pastor, Reverend Dr. Tricia Sheffield and spoke about his work as the “Shoeman” and showed video clips to all attendees about clean water wells in East Africa. We donated $500 to his program, Water from Afar.
- Underwrote $200 for Ugandan teacher to continue education
- Sponsored one Congolese child refugee now in Uganda
- Purchased 14 mattresses and 14 blankets for 14 Congolese child refugees now in Uganda
- Sent school supplies to Iganga, Ugandan school. All were donated by Middletown Reformed Church and Calico Cat Thrift Shop in Middletown, NJ. Additional shipments pending.
- Paid for one visit to a doctor in Uganda to diagnose and abate ulcers
- Encouraged my sister, Paula Bova Luhrs, in the great state of Maine, to have a shoe drive. She collected 2,500 pairs of shoes which were also picked up by Kenya George and credited toward FCIM’s work.
- Continued to keep in contact with our Ugandan friends in Bulubandi, Iganga Distirct, Uganda at the Tree Life Primary School — Eric Mulundo and Simon Wailubi.
- Paula Luhrs sponsored two Congolese refugee children and I sponsored two as well and my Youth Group at Middletown Reformed Church sponsored one of the Congolese refugees. We pay for their education and some personal needs, as well as occasional medical bills. The Congolese children are 5 of 14 who arrived from war-torn Congo. Eric and Simon have been instrumental in helping them. I purchased mattresses and blankets for all 14 children who were sleeping on the dirt.
- Martin Luther King Day of Service – My Junior High and Senior High youth group went shopping with a list of items that they needed for school and personally. The youth group member had to handle and think about the items they bought and packed. They then sorted and packed each of the 4 boxes filled with soap, wash cloths, combs, shoe polish, band-aids, toothpaste, toothbrushes and other personal items. Paula and I sent them more boxes of clothes purchased by us or donated from the Calico Cat Thrift Shop. Each box was sent by US Mail Priority at a cost of $97 each; funds came from the Youth Group treasury
- MOSAIC (Mobilizing Our Students for Action to build an Interfaith Community) Held a Rise Against Hunger event with our Youth Group and 120 other students on March 11, 2018, where the teens and adults present packaged 18,356 meals which were sent to Uganda. I had the opportunity to speak about the Ugandan School where FCIM goes every two years to provide medical services to those who come for help. I talked to the teens about what I witnessed with my involvement with FCIM and how that continues to day. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is something that transcends this interfaith youth group. The faith communities and the teenagers raised over $6,000 to fund this event.
- We worked with other shoe collection alliances: Middletown Reformed Church, the Middletown Democratic Party, the Middletown Lions Club, and other local churches (King of Kings Lutheran, Calico Cat Thrift Shop –10 area churches support this group) and collected 5,000 pair of shoes which were picked up by Kenya George in January 2018 and credited toward FCIM work.
- Choctaw Indian reservation
- Church and house renovations
- Nightly crusades
- Opened new FCIM Office
Where there are disasters, Four Corners International Mission Is involved!
Four Corners has been doing construction work in Louisiana since 2005, when Hurricane Katrina struck the state wreaking devastation throughout the city of New Orleans.
FCIM home and church renovations continue to date throughout smaller towns in Louisiana.
In addition, FCIM deployed teams of volunteers to assist in the recovery efforts for:
2010 – EF4 tornado in Alabama
2012 – Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey/New York
2016 – Tropical Storm Bonnie in South Carolina
2023 – EF4 tornado in Mississipi
Your partnership helps people to survive and rebuild lives.